Coding Style
Signal declaration
- implicit declaration & declaration type
In SystemVerilog declaring types are optional, but it is recommended to use them for better readability.
If you do not explicitly declare a signal type, the default type is a single bit
- Module IO
Naming convention
lower case, and use underscores to separate words.
module my_module (
input logic Clock,
input logic Reset,
Option 1: lower case, and use underscores to separate words
logic [1:0] my_signal,
Option 2: CamelCase, may use underscore for specific cases
logic [1:0] MySignal,
logic [1:0] A2F_MySignal,
lower case, and use underscores to separate words
my_module my_module_inst (
HIGH CASE, and use underscores to separate words
parameter MY_PARAM = 10;
lower case, prefix "t_", and use underscores to separate words
typedef logic [1:0] t_my_typedef;
Pipe staging:
Option 1: lower case, suffix underscore "_<pipe_letter><pipe_number>" example: singal_q1, signal_q2,
`DFF(signal_q2, signal_q1, clk)
Option 2: CamelCase, Suffixed PipeLetter and PipeNumber, example: SignalQ1, SignalQ2
`DFF(SignalQ2, SignalQ1 , Clk)