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Common examples


In System Verilog, there are many ways to code a mux.
We will show a couple of examples and what are the implications of them

Lets use this as the signals:

logic [3:0] in [3:0];
logic [1:0] enc_sel;
logic [3:0] out ;

Most compact:

assign out = in[enc_sel];

Naive If else

always_comb begin
if (enc_sel == 2'b00) out =in[0];
else if (enc_sel == 2'b01) out =in[1];
else if (enc_sel == 2'b10) out =in[2];
else if (enc_sel == 2'b11) out =in[3];

compact if else - "? : "

assign out = (enc_sel == 2'b00) ? in[0] : 
(enc_sel == 2'b01) ? in[1] :
(enc_sel == 2'b10) ? in[2] :
in[3] ; // (enc_sel == 2'b11)

using case

always_comb begin
unique case (enc_sel)
2'b00 : out = in[0];
2'b01 : out = in[1];
2'b10 : out = in[2];
2'b11 : out = in[3];
default : out = in[0];

AND_OR mux

logic [MSB:0] in [3:0];
logic [MSB:0] dec_sel;
logic [MSB:0] out ;

out = ({MSB{dec_sel[0]}} & in[0] ) |
({MSB{dec_sel[1]}} & in[1] ) |
({MSB{dec_sel[2]}} & in[2] ) |
({MSB{dec_sel[3]}} & in[3] ) ;


using macro:

assign next_count = count +1;
`DFF(count, next_count,clk)

alternatively can write smaller - but I do not recommend it. We like using the next_<name> with FF

`DFF(count, (count + 1) , clk)

The macro translates into:

assign next_count = count +1;
always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
count <= next_count;



  • Use an Enumerate value for the state
  • Have a simple Flip-Flop to sample the state.
`RST_VAL_DFF(state, next_sate, clk, rst, IDLE)
  • in an 'always_comb' block, calculate the next_state as a function of the current state + other condition.
    • Use a unique casez
    • May use priority casez if appropriate)
    • Make sure to have a default value
// The state Machine:
always_comb begin
next_state = state;
unique casez (state)
IDLE: begin
if( condition == CONDITION_MET) begin
next_state = FIRST_STATE;
end // if
end // IDLE
default: begin
next_state = state;
endcase // casez
end // always_comb

See the example of traffic_light state_machine


Shift register

This is a compact and nice way to code a Shift register:

logic [MSB_DATA:0] shift_register [MSB_SHFT:0]

assign shift_register[0] = data_in[MSB_DATA:0];
`DFF(shift_register[MSB_SHFT:1] , shift_register[MSB_SHFT-1:0] , clk)


example of a duel read single write register file:

logic [31:0] Register [31:0]; 
//logic [31:0][31:0] Register ; //this is valid option to.
logic [4:0] RegDst;
logic [4:0] RegSrc1;
logic [4:0] RegSrc2;
//---- The Register File ------
`EN_DFF(Register[RegDst] , RegWrData , Clk , CtrlRegWrEn)
// --- read Register File --------
assign RegRdData1 = Register[RegSrc1];
assign RegRdData2 = Register[RegSrc2];


For a pipe where we accumulate & calculate different attributes we can use a "struct" with relevant fields, and keep adding/overriding then down the pipe: lu_valid, lu_set,lu_tag,hit, miss, mb_hit_cancel, set_ways_mru[3:0], set_ways_valid[3:0], set_ways_victim[3:0],set_ways_hit[3:0], set_ways_enc_hit[2:0], fill_cl_data[127:0], fill_valid, lu_opcode[1:0] // RD_LU, WR_LU,FILL_LU

  • Each cycle has the sampled version and the updated version (cache_pipe_lu_q2 ,pre_cache_pipe_lu_q2)
  • Make sure that the assignments all match the correct suffix (q1,q2,q3...)
  • The suffix (pipe stage) should change only when it goes through a Fli-Flop `DFF(pre_cache_pipe_lu_q2, cache_pipe_lu_q1, clk)
// Pipe stage 1
always_comb begin
cache_pipe_lu_q1 ='0; //this is the default value
cache_pipe_lu_q1.valid = ...q1 ;
cache_pipe_lu_q1.opcode = ...q1 ;
cache_pipe_lu_q1.set = ...q1 ;
cache_pipe_lu_q1.tag = ...q1 ;
cache_pipe_lu_q1.fill_data = ...q1 ;
end //always_comb

// Pipe stage 2
`DFF(pre_cache_pipe_lu_q2, cache_pipe_lu_q1, clk)
always_comb begin
cache_pipe_lu_q2 =pre_cache_pipe_lu_q2; //this is the default value
cache_pipe_lu_q2.set_ways_valid = ...q2;
cache_pipe_lu_q2.set_ways_tags = ...q2;
cache_pipe_lu_q2.set_ways_mru = ...q2;
cache_pipe_lu_q2.set_ways_hit = ...q2;
cache_pipe_lu_q2.hit = ...q2;
cache_pipe_lu_q2.miss = ...q2;
cache_pipe_lu_q2.data_array_address = {pre_cache_pipe_lu_q2.set , pre_cache_pipe_lu_q2.set_ways_enc_hit};

end //always_comb

// Pipe stage 3
`DFF(pre_cache_pipe_lu_q3, cache_pipe_lu_q2, clk)
always_comb begin
cache_pipe_lu_q3 =pre_cache_pipe_lu_q3; //this is the default value