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  • rv32i_ref_model serves as a foundational model that implements the RV32I RISC-V ISA. This model, composed in a behavioral style using SystemVerilog, is designed to aid in the verification of other cores. It is employed with the assumption of its correctness, contributing to the validation process. This core acts loke a single-cycle CPU.
  • The model can be instantiated in a testbench of core which is being verified. Than we can use some tasks to compare between the signals of the core and the model. If the signals are not the same, the tasks will raise an error depending on the task.
  • The model is located at /verif/rv32i_ref/tb/ Take a look at that file to understand its functionality, its relatively easy 😊

ref32i_ref_model interface

module rv32i_ref 
parameter I_MEM_LSB = 'h0_0000,
parameter I_MEM_MSB = 'h1_0000 - 1'h1,
parameter D_MEM_LSB = 'h1_0000,
parameter D_MEM_MSB = 'h2_0000 - 1'h1
) (
input clk,
input rst,
input run
  • I_MEM_LSB and I_MEM_MSB are the lower and upper bounds of the instruction memory. D_MEM_LSB and D_MEM_MSB are the lower and upper bounds of the data memory.
  • clk: clock signal. rst: reset signal. run: run signal, when run is high, the model will retire the instruction. Its possible to put some logic on run when we want to stop the model from executing instructions which are not relevant to the test or to the ref model.

Instantiation of the model

  • The best way to understand how to instantiate the model is to look at the testbench of the core which is being verified. In the next example we will look at mini_core, that testbench is located at /verif/mini_core/tb/
# (
) rv32i_ref (
.clk (Clk),
.rst (Rst),
.run (1'b1) // set the RUN only when the mini_core DUT is retiring the instruction.
// every time the run is set, the next instruction is executed
  • The parameters I_MEM_LSB, I_MEM_MSB, D_MEM_LSB and D_MEM_MSB are located in the package file. In the case of the mini_core, the package file is located at /source/mini_core/

  • In the following code we force the verified core and rv32i_ref_model core with the same instruction and data memory.

  • The tasks get_rf_write and get_ref_rf_write are used to compare between the register file of the core and the rv32i_ref_model.

integer file;
initial begin: test_seq
if ($value$plusargs ("STRING=%s", test_name))
$display("STRING value %s", test_name);
//load the program to the DUT & reference model
// Make sure exists
file = $fopen({"../../../target/mini_core/tests/",test_name,"/gcc_files/"}, "r");
if (!file) begin
$error("the file: ../../../target/mini_core/tests/%s/gcc_files/ does not exist", test_name);
$display("ERROR: file does not exist");
$readmemh({"../../../target/mini_core/tests/",test_name,"/gcc_files/"} , IMem);
force mini_core_top.mini_mem_wrap.i_mem.mem = IMem; //backdoor to actual memory
force rv32i_ref.imem = IMem; //backdoor to reference model memory
//load the data to the DUT & reference model
file = $fopen({"../../../target/mini_core/tests/",test_name,"/gcc_files/"}, "r");
if (file) begin
$readmemh({"../../../target/mini_core/tests/",test_name,"/gcc_files/"} , DMem);
force mini_core_top.mini_mem_wrap.d_mem.mem = DMem; //backdoor to actual memory
force rv32i_ref.dmem = DMem; //backdoor to reference model memory
release mini_core_top.mini_mem_wrap.d_mem.mem;
release rv32i_ref.dmem;

// enable the checker data collection (monitor)
begin wait(mini_core_top.mini_core.mini_core_ctrl.ebreak_was_calledQ101H == 1'b1);
eot(.msg("ebreak was called"));

end // test_seq