macros file
This file has some macros that we use in our design. That file is common to some other Mafia RTL cores and that the reason its relatively long. We will explain only the relevant macros for the sc_core
This file is located in /common/
// Title : simple core design
// Project : simple_core
// File : core
// Original Author : Amichai Ben-David
// Code Owner :
// Created : 9/2022
// Description :
// This file will be a single cycle core implemenation of the RV32I RISCV specification
// Fetch, Decode, Exe, Mem, Write_Back
`ifndef MACROS_VS
`define MACROS_VS
`define MAFIA_DFF(q,i,clk) \
always_ff @(posedge clk) \
`define MAFIA_EN_DFF(q,i,clk,en) \
always_ff @(posedge clk) \
if(en) q<=i;
`define MAFIA_RST_DFF(q,i,clk,rst) \
always_ff @(posedge clk) begin\
if (rst) q <='0; \
else q <= i; \
`define MAFIA_RST_VAL_DFF(q,i,clk,rst,val) \
always_ff @(posedge clk) begin \
if (rst) q <=val; \
else q <= i; \
`define MAFIA_EN_RST_DFF(q,i,clk,en,rst)\
always_ff @(posedge clk) \
if (rst) q <='0; \
else if(en) q <= i;
// a async reset val en flop used for special cases
`define MAFIA_EN_ASYNC_RST_VAL_DFF(q,i,clk,en,rst,val) \
always_ff @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin \
if (rst) q <= val; \
else if (en) q <= i; \
`define MAFIA_METAFLOP(out,i,clk) \
logic next``out; \
`MAFIA_DFF(next``out, i,clk) \
`define MAFIA_MUXOR(winner, candidates, select) \
always_comb begin \
winner = '0; \
for(int i =0; i < $bits(select); i++) begin \
winner = select[i] ? candidates[i] : winner;\
end \
`define MAFIA_FIND_FIRST(first , candidates ) \
always_comb begin \
first = '0; \
for(int i =0; i < $bits(candidates); i++) begin \
first[i] = candidates[i] & (!(|first)); \
end \
`define MAFIA_ENCODER(encoded ,valid, decoded ) \
always_comb begin \
encoded = '0 ; \
valid = |decoded; \
for (int i = 0 ; i <$bits(decoded) ;i++) begin\
if (decoded[i]) \
encoded = i ; \
end \
`define MAFIA_DECODER(decoded , encoded, valid )\
always_comb begin \
decoded = '0 ; \
if(valid) decoded[encoded] = 1'b1 ; \
`define MAFIA_ASSERT(name, expr, en, msg) \
always @(posedge clk) begin \
if (en && expr) begin \
$error($sformatf("[MAFIA_ASSERT] %s: %s", name, msg));\
end \
`define MAFIA_BINARY_TO_GRAY(gray,binary) \
gray = binary ^ (binary >> 1);
`endif //MACROS_VS
- Because we use
than the only sequential element we use is forPC
register and Register file, the macro that used for Pc is:
`define MAFIA_RST_DFF(q,i,clk,rst) \
always_ff @(posedge clk) begin\
if (rst) q <='0; \
else q <= i; \
As you can see, this macro is a simple DFF with reset.
- The macro that used for writing to Register file is:
`define MAFIA_EN_DFF(q,i,clk,en) \
always_ff @(posedge clk) \
if(en) q<=i;
As you can see, this macro is a simple DFF with enable.