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HW Compilation

Hardware compilation is a process where we compile HDL files (In our case, we're working with System Verilog files) of our unit (In our case, we're working with mini_core). During this process, we also load a file called '' that was created from 'basics.c' into the instruction memory of the mini_core.

  • Please type the following command in the terminal to compile the hardware part of the project:
./ -dut mini_core -test basic -hw

If you receive the message 'Test passed,' it means everything is okay.

  • Tip : We recommend you to use the whole command and always include the previous flags to do all the necessary steps from the beginning, for example:
    ./ -dut mini_core -test basics -app -hw command.

Background of HW Compilation command

In this section, we will outline the commands that run in the background when you use the ./ -dut mini_core -test basics -hw command.

cd ./target/mini_core/modelsim/

vlog.exe -lint -f ../../.././verif/mini_core/tb//mini_core_list.f

cd C:/workspace/fpga_mafia

Please open the mini_core_list.f file and try to understand what it does.