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Instruction fetch

  • The instruction fetch unit is responsible for fetching instructions from the Instruction memory.
  • The first stage of the pipeline in our coding style named as CYCLE Q100H

instantiation of fetch module in

// _____ __ __ _____ _ ______ ____ __ ___ ___ _ _
// / ____| \ \ / / / ____| | | | ____| / __ \ /_ | / _ \ / _ \ | | | |
// | | \ \_/ / | | | | | |__ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |__| |
// | | \ / | | | | | __| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | __ |
// | |____ | | | |____ | |____ | |____ | |__| | | | | |_| | | |_| | | | | |
// \_____| |_| \_____| |______| |______| \___\_\ |_| \___/ \___/ |_| |_|
// Instruction fetch
// -----------------
// 1. Send the PC (program counter) to the I_MEM
// 2. Calc/Set the NextPc
// -----------------
mini_core_if mini_core_if (
.Clock (Clock ), // input logic Clock,
.Rst (Rst ), // input logic Rst,
.ReadyQ100H (ReadyQ100H ), // input logic ReadyQ100H,
.ReadyQ101H (ReadyQ101H ), // input logic ReadyQ101H,
.Ctrl (CtrlIf ), // input t_ctrl_if Ctrl,
.AluOutQ102H (AluOutQ102H ), // input logic [31:0] AluOutQ102H,
.PcQ100H (PcQ100H ), // output logic [31:0] PcQ100H,
.PcQ101H (PcQ101H ) // output logic [31:0] PcQ101H

Signal description

  • Clock: Clock signal. That signal is a part of mini_core inputs. and declare as :input logic Clock
  • Rst: Reset signal. That signal is a part of mini_core inputs. and declare as :input logic Rst
  • ReadyQ100H: its the enable signal of Pc register.
  • ReadyQ101H: its the enable signal of IF/ID register.
  • CtrlIf: This is a part of typedef struct packed (see mini_core_pkg.vh file) variable. Its connected to the mux ctrl input (as seen in the sketch below) to determine the next PC.
  • AluOutQ102H: its the output of ALU from Q102H execution stage and determine the next PC in case of JAL, JALR, BRANCH instructions.
  • PcQ100H: its the output of Pc register.
  • PcQ101H: its the input of IF/ID register.

Fetch module

`include ""

module mini_core_if
import common_pkg::*;
input logic Clock,
input logic Rst,
input var t_ctrl_if Ctrl,
input logic ReadyQ100H,
input logic ReadyQ101H,
input logic [31:0] AluOutQ102H,
output logic [31:0] PcQ100H,
output logic [31:0] PcQ101H

logic [31:0] PcPlus4Q100H;
logic [31:0] NextPcQnnnH;
assign PcPlus4Q100H = PcQ100H + 3'h4;
assign NextPcQnnnH = Ctrl.SelNextPcAluOutQ102H ? AluOutQ102H : PcPlus4Q100H;
`MAFIA_EN_RST_DFF(PcQ100H, NextPcQnnnH, Clock, ReadyQ100H, Rst)

// Q100H to Q101H Flip Flops.
`MAFIA_EN_DFF(PcQ101H, PcQ100H, Clock, ReadyQ101H)


mini_core_if module abstract diagram


