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memory access stage

  • The goal of that stage is to access memory and get or store data in it.
  • That stage is called Q103H

instantiation of mini_core_mem_access module in

// _____ __ __ _____ _ ______ ____ __ ___ ____ _ _
// / ____| \ \ / / / ____| | | | ____| / __ \ /_ | / _ \ |___ \ | | | |
// | | \ \_/ / | | | | | |__ | | | | | | | | | | __) | | |__| |
// | | \ / | | | | | __| | | | | | | | | | | |__ < | __ |
// | |____ | | | |____ | |____ | |____ | |__| | | | | |_| | ___) | | | | |
// \_____| |_| \_____| |______| |______| \___\_\ |_| \___/ |____/ |_| |_|
// Memory Access
// -----------------
// 1. Access D_MEM for Wrote (STORE) and Reads (LOAD)
mini_core_mem_acs mini_core_mem_access (
.Clock (Clock), //input
.Rst (Rst), //input
// Input Control Signals
.Ctrl (CtrlMem), //input
.ReadyQ104H (ReadyQ104H), //input
// Input Data path
.PcPlus4Q103H (PcPlus4Q103H), //input
.AluOutQ103H (AluOutQ103H), //input
.DMemWrDataQ103H (DMemWrDataQ103H),//input
// data path output
.Core2DmemReqQ103H (Core2DmemReqQ103H),//output
.PcPlus4Q104H (PcPlus4Q104H), //input
.AluOutQ104H (AluOutQ104H) //input
); module

`include ""

module mini_core_mem_acs
import common_pkg::*;
( input logic Clock, //input
input logic Rst, //input
// ctrl
input var t_ctrl_mem Ctrl, //input
input logic ReadyQ104H, //input
//data path input
input logic [31:0] PcPlus4Q103H,//input
input logic [31:0] AluOutQ103H, //input
input logic [31:0] DMemWrDataQ103H, //input
// data path output
output t_core2mem_req Core2DmemReqQ103H, //output
output logic [31:0] PcPlus4Q104H,//input
output logic [31:0] AluOutQ104H //input

// Outputs to memory
assign Core2DmemReqQ103H.WrData = DMemWrDataQ103H;
assign Core2DmemReqQ103H.Address = AluOutQ103H;
assign Core2DmemReqQ103H.WrEn = Ctrl.DMemWrEnQ103H;
assign Core2DmemReqQ103H.RdEn = Ctrl.DMemRdEnQ103H;
assign Core2DmemReqQ103H.ByteEn = Ctrl.DMemByteEnQ103H;

`MAFIA_EN_DFF(PcPlus4Q104H, PcPlus4Q103H, Clock, ReadyQ104H)
`MAFIA_EN_DFF(AluOutQ104H, AluOutQ103H , Clock, ReadyQ104H)


Signal explanation

  • We communicate with the memory through the Core2DmemReqQ103H signal of t_core2mem_req type. This signal is a structure that contains the following fields: WrData, Address, WeEn, RdEn, ByteEn.

  • ByteEn allows us to choose the number of active bytes. For example, to distinguish between a lb or lh instruction.

  • The read information from the memory is returned to us through the DMemRdRspQ104H signal threw the memory wrapper that will be discussed later.

mini_core_mem_acs general diagram

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mem_acs
